
时间:2021-06-02 17:02:25   热度:37.1℃   作者:网络



姓      名:沈沁





沈沁于1991年毕业于上海医科大学(现复旦大学上海医学院)药学院药理专业,获学士学位。1991年至1996年任上海医科大学神经生物教研组和医学神经生物学国家重点实验室的助教和助理研究员。1996年赴美留学,在纽约州Albany Medical College师从神经干细胞研究领域领军人物Sally Temple博士,2001年获得神经药理和神经科学博士学位,2001-2006年在Albany Medical College接受博士后培训。2006年任美国Albany Medical College神经药理和神经科学中心助理教授,2007-2010年任纽约神经干细胞研究所助理教授, 参与研究生课程的教学和神经干细胞研究工作。2010年回国作为特聘教授加入清华大学干细胞和再生医学研究中心,2011-2016年入选清华大学生命联合中心,2011年和2013年评为清华-杨森首席研究员。2017年8月入职同济大学生命科学与技术学院任教授。

沈沁博士在Science,Cell Stem Cell,Neuron,Nature Neuroscience等国际著名学术期刊发表多篇第一和通讯作者文章,总共SCI文章30余篇,他引次数超过3000次。许多文章被杂志选为亮点文章或在Faculty1000上重点介绍。其研究成果得到国家自然科学基金,科技部重大研究计划,纽约州神经干细胞基金会的支持,并多次应邀在国内外会议上作专题学术报告。 先后获得“杰出青年科学家研究论文奖”, “女性神经科学家职业发展奖”,入选“科学”杂志主办的“神经科学奖”前三名,教育部自然科学二等奖,北京科技奖二等奖。


代表性论著 (*通讯作者) 

1.Li, J.#, Sun, L.#, Peng, X.L., Yu, X.M., Qi, S.J., Lu, Z.J., Han, J.D.J., Shen, Q.* (2021) Integrative genomic analysis of early neurogenesis reveals a temporal genetic program for differentiation and specification of preplate and Cajal-Retzius neurons. PLoS Genet. 17(3): e1009355.

2.Wang, D.Y.#, Luo, A.F.#, Bai, Q.R., Gong, X.L., Zheng, Y., Shen, Q*, Hu, X.L.*, Wang, X.* (2020) VCAM1 Labels a Subpopulation of Neural Stem Cells in the Adult Hippocampus and Contributes to Spatial Memory. Stem Cell Reports 14(6): 1093-1106.

3.Wu, J.#, Tian, W.J.#, Liu, Y., Wang, H.J., Zheng, J., Wang, X., Pan, H., Li, J., Luo, J., Yang, X., Lau, L.F., Ghashghaei, H.T., Shen, Q.* (2020) Ependyma-expressed CCN1 restricts the size of the neural stem cell pool in the adult ventricular-subventricular zone. EMBO J. 39(5): e101679. doi: 10.15252/embj.2019101679.

4.Zhang, S., Wang, H.J., Li, J., Hu, X.L.*, Shen Q.* (2020) Radial glial cell-derived VCAM1 regulates cortical angiogenesis through distinct enrichments in the proximal and distal radial processes. Cereb. Cortex 30(6): 3717-3730.

5.Gao, X.L.#, Tian, W.J.#, Liu, B., Wu, J., Xie, W., Shen, Q.* (2020) High-mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 2 protects against microcephaly by maintaining global chromatin accessibility during corticogenesis. J. Biol. Chem. 295(2): 468-480.

6.Bai, Q.R.#, Dong, L.#, Shen, Q.* (2019) Identifying cell surface markers of primary neural stem and progenitor cells by metabolic labeling of sialoglycan. J. Vis. Exp. (151). doi: 10.3791/58945.

7.Liu, X., Zheng, J., Qi, S., Shen, Q.* (2019) NONO regulates cortical neuronal migration and postnatal neuronal maturation. Neurosci. Bull. 35(6): 1097-1101.

8.Wang, H., Xiao, Z., Zheng, J., Wu, J., Hu, X.L., Yang, X., Shen, Q.* (2019) ZEB1 represses neural differentiation and cooperates with CTBP2 to dynamically regulate cell migration during neocortex development. Cell Rep. 27(8): 2335-2353.

9.Bai, Q.R. and Shen, Q.* (2019) All roads lead to Rome: hippocampal stem Cells Hop(x) the continuous way. Cell Stem Cell 24(5): 683-684.

10.Sun, L.#*, Chen, R.#, Bai, Y., Li, J., Wu, Q.*, Shen, Q.*, Wang, X.* (2018) Morphological and physiological characteristics of Ebf2-EGFP-expressing Cajal-Retzius cells in developing mouse neocortex. Cereb. Cortex 29(9): 3864-3878.

11.Bai, Q.R. and Shen, Q.* (2018) Influence without presence: PRDM16 casts destiny. Neuron 98(5): 867-869.

12.Bai, Q.R.#, Dong, L.#, Hao, Y., Chen, X.*, Shen, Q.* (2018) Metabolic Glycan Labeling-Assisted Discovery of Cell-Surface Markers for Primary Neural Stem and Progenitor Cells. Chem. Commun. 54(43): 5486-5489.

13.Xu, C.#, Liu, X.#, Geng, Y., Bai, Q., Pan, C., Sun, Y., Chen, X., Yu, H., Wu, Y., Zhang, P., Wu, W., Wang, Y., Wu, Z., Zhang, J., Wang, Z., Yang, R., Lewis, J., Bigner, D., Zhao, F., He, Y., Yan, H., Shen, Q.*, Zhang, L.* (2017) Patient-derived DIPG cells preserve stem-like characteristics and generate orthotopic tumors. Oncotarget 8(44): 76644-76655.

14.Hu, X.L.#, Chen, G.#, Zhang, S.#, Zheng, J.#, Wu, J., Bai, Q.R., Wang, Y., Li, J., Wang, H., Feng, H., Jia Li, J., Sun, X., Xia, Q., Yang, F., Hang, J., Qi, C., Phoenix, T.N., Temple, S., Shen, Q.* (2017) Persistent expression of VCAM1 in radial glial cells is required for the embryonic origin of postnatal neural stem cells. Neuron 95(2): 309-325.

15.Zuo, F.X., Bao, X.J., Sun, X.C., Wu, J., Bai, Q.R., Chen, G., Li, X.Y., Zhou, Q.Y., Yang, Y.F., Shen, Q.*, Wang, R.Z.*, (2015) Transplantation of human neural stem cells exerts neuroprotection via regulating the host microenvironment in the parkinsonian mice. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 16(11): 26473-26492.

16.Xia, Q.#, Bai, Q.R.#, Dong, M., Sun, X., Zhang, H., Cui, J., Xi, H., Hu, X.L.*, Shen, Q.*, Chen L*. (2015) Interaction between gastric carcinoma cells and neural cells promotes perineural invasion by a pathway involving VCAM1. Dig. Dis. Sci. 60(11): 3283-3292.

17.Kokovay, E., Wang, Y., Kusek, G., Wurster, R., Lederman, P., Lowry, N., Shen, Q.*, Temple, S.* (2012) VCAM1 is essential to maintain the structure of the SVZ niche and acts as an environmental sensor to regulate SVZ lineage progression. Cell Stem Cell 11(2): 220-230.

18.Hu, X.L., Wang, Y., Shen, Q.* (2012) Epigenetic control on cell fate choice in neural stem cells. Protein Cell 3(4):278-290.

19.Chuang, S.M., Wang, Y., Wang, Q., Liu, K.M., Shen, Q.* (2011) Ebf2 marks early cortical neurogenesis and regulates the generation of cajal-retzius neurons in the developing cerebral cortex. Dev. Neurosci. 33(6): 479-493.

20.Shen, Q.*, Temple, S. (2009) Fine control: microRNA regulates adult neurogenesis. Nature Neurosci. 12(4): 369-370.

21.Shen, Q., Wang, Y., Kokovay, E., Lin, G., Chuang, S.M., Goderie, S.K., Roysam, B., Temple, S. (2008) Adult SVZ stem cells lie in a vascular niche: a quantitative analysis of niche cell-cell interactions. Cell Stem Cell 3(3): 289-300.

22.Shen, Q.*, Wang, Y., Dimos, J.T., Fasano, C.A., Phoenix, T.N., Lemischka, I.R., Ivanova, N.B., Stifani, S., Morrisey, E.E., Temple, S. (2006) The timing of cortical neurogenesis is encoded within lineages of individual progenitor cells. Nature Neurosci. 9(6):743-751.

23.Shen, Q., Goderie, S., Jin, L., Karanth, N., Sun, Y., Abramova, N., Vincent, P., Pumiglia, K., Temple, S. (2004) Endothelial cells stimulate self-renewal and expand neurogenesis of neural stem cells. Science 304(5675): 1338-1340.

24.Shen, Q., Zhong, W., Jan, Y.N., Temple, S. (2002) Numb and asymmetric division of CNS progenitors. Development 129(20): 4843-4853.

25.Qian, X.#, Shen, Q.#, Goderie, S., He, W., Capela, A.M., and Temple, S. (2000) Timing of CNS cell generation: a programmed sequence of neuron and glial cell production from isolated murine cortical cells. Neuron 28(1): 69-80.

26.Shen, Q., Qian, X., Capela, A., Temple, S. (1998) Stem cells in the embryonic cerebral cortex: their role in histogenesis and patterning. J. Neurobiol. 36(2): 162-174.

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