Now Foods Better Stevia Balance甜菊粉招商厂家,Now Foods Better Stevia Balance甜菊粉说明书与功效
时间:2020-11-16 00:15:07 热度:37.1℃ 作者:网络
通用名称:Better Stevia Balance甜菊粉
商品名称:Now Foods Better Stevia Balance甜菊粉
拼音全码:Now Foods Better Stevia BalanceTianJuFen
[主要成份] 甜菊粉。
[规格型号] 100包
[用法用量] 作为膳食补充,根据需要服用一包。
[注意事项] Due to micronutrient content,do not use more than 8 packets per day.Consult physician if pregnant/nursing, taking medication,or have a medical condition (especially diabetes or blood sugar irregularities).Keep out of reach of children.
[贮 藏] 密封,放置阴凉处。
[包 装] 100包/盒。
[有 效 期] 24 月
[批准文号] 无
[招商厂家] 美国诺奥(Now_Foods)公司