
时间:2020-01-22 18:29:39   热度:37.1℃   作者:网络

原标题:【生活口语从头学】第四十三讲: Nightclubs 夜店

Jackson:I feel so out of place here.

Rooney:Relax! Nightclubs are fun! Let your hair down!

Jackson:But the music is too loud for my liking!

Rooney:The music is for dancing. Look at all the pretty girls — and that girl overthere is smiling at you. Go and introduce yourself.

Jackson:You're right; she is. But then what do I do?

Rooney:Ask her for a dance.

Jackson:I'm so nervous.

Rooney:Don't be scared; be confident. She could be your future wife!

杰克森: 我觉得在这里待着很别扭。

鲁尼: 放轻松!夜店很好玩的!抛开你的拘束!

杰克森: 但是音乐太大声了我不喜欢!

鲁尼: 这是用来跳舞的音乐。看看那些漂亮的姑娘们—那边的那个姑娘正在对你微笑。去介绍下你自己。

杰克森: 你说得对,她的确很漂亮。但是我接着该怎么做?

鲁尼: 邀请她跳一支舞。

杰克森: 但是我很紧张。

鲁尼: 不要害怕,要有信心。她可能会成为你未来的太太呢!

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