[USA]英语中常见错误(common errors)

时间:2020-09-21 17:18:22   热度:37.1℃   作者:网络


汉语 错误表达 正确表达

写作业 write homework (x) do homework (✓)

起作用 make a role (x) play a role (✓)

培养能力 train my ability (x) cultivate my ability (✓)

做出巨大贡献 do a significant contribution (x) make a significant contribution (✓)

犯罪 accomplish the crime (x) commit a crime (✓)

学习知识 study knowledge (x) acquire knowledge (✓)

解决难题 do the difficult problem (x) solve the difficult problem (✓)

获取真相 read the truth (x) learn the truth (✓)

表演节目 act the programme (x) perform (✓)

抓住机会 hold the good chance (x) grasp/grab the good chance (✓)

收到好的效果 receive a good effect (x) achieve a good effect (✓)



取得进展 make a great development (x) make progress (✓)

实现目标 achieve your target (x) achieve your goal (✓)

解决复杂的问题 solve complicated questions (x) solve complicated problems (✓)

实现我们的愿望 fulfill our fantasies (x) fulfill our wishes (✓)

出处:头条号 @Jianna地道英语轻松学

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